M2-FuseID MR – Hybrid Reader for Finger Prints and Vein on Finger
Multi-modal Biometric Hardware Fused, Versatile and Ergonomic with the Capacity to Detect «Life».
M2-PalmVein MR – Scanner for Vein in Palma
The Biometric Vein Scanner in Palma Leader in the Industry for 100% Accurate Authentication.
M2-FV – Reader for Vena in Finger
Reader for finger vein without contact and under the skin, for a perfect reading «Every Time».
M2-TenPrint MR – Fingerprint Reader
Low-Cost and Specialized device with an advanced optical system that can capture high quality images in less than 1.0 seconds.
M2-TwoPrint MR – Fingerprint Reader for Two-Finger
A Superior Technology for Two-Finger Recognition, with a Resistant and Scratch Proof Design.
M2-B MR – Fingerprint Reader
Precision Biometric Reader for Fingerprints, with a Modern Design and the Surface of the Protected Grading Sensor.
M2-S MR – Fingerprint Reader
Reinforced, Durable, Ergonomic, Low Cost – Designed for High Traffic Environments Built for a Long Life.
M2-EasyScan MR – Fingerprint Reader
An Ergonomic Fingerprint Reader that Ensures Consistent Image Quality, even in High Traffic Environments.
I Scan 2 of Cross Match®
Perfect for mobile applications, with fast and reliable performance for iris recognition.
Iris ID iCAM TD100 – Camera for Iris Recognition
The Most Advanced Device for the Recognition of Iris with the Ability to Compare One-to-One or One-to-Many in a Quick and Efficient Way in Almost Any Internal or External Environment.